Lost connection with life? Some tips on bringing joy back to your life

December 20, 2019

“We create most of our suffering, so it should be logical that we also have the ability to create more joy. It simply depends on the attitudes, the perspectives, and the reactions we bring to situations and to our relationships with other people. When it comes to personal happiness there is a lot that we as individuals can do.” •”

― Dalai Lama XIV, The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World

You’ve lost the connection with life. You don’t have strong and close relationships. You live in bitterness and disappointment.  Life is daily grind with repeated activities which you don’t like or have no interest in. You anticipate everything better will happen in the future. You’ve lost connection with the present and the joy, love, and peace which is right here, now. You don’t have any interest in what you’re doing and it does not touch your heart. It is not something you can hold on too long as it feels hard work.

If this is your life situation, then take the initiative to change it. Life is precious and worth living, don’t waste it. Here are some tips on bringing joy back to your life

1. Do what you love

How do you feel about what you do? Do you love what you do? Does it make you happy and fulfilled? Do you feel the excitement? Is there a possibility of playing large, making leaps of imagination and dreams? If the answer to most of these questions is no, then recognize that what you do makes a difference. You need to step out of your daily grind and search for a different way of fulfilling you. Discover your unique talent and find how you can serve humanity with your talent. Find out your creative expression, figure out what you like doing best which meets the needs of other people and adds value to their lives. Do what matters to you, what makes you feel alive and happy. Once you find the truer answer, life will become miraculous and you will find true joy.

2. Joy, happiness, and peace are right here

Hope makes anything possible. Anything can happen, anything can be if you see the possibility. However, we cling so much to hope, future and to our dreams, that we lose connection with the present. Hope and ideal always wins over reality and we prioritize future over the present. We anticipate everything better will happen in the future. We believe that joy, happiness, and peace are in the future. We spend more energy planning and anticipating our best lives in the future rather than living. Instead, if we redirect and focus on the joys and beauty of the present and live for today, we will be able to make advancement in our lives. Enjoy little things such as walking, eating your meals, drinking your cup of coffee. You will discover that joy and peace is right here and now, in the present moment, inside us and all around.

3. Count your blessings

Appreciate all the good things in your life. While you chase your ideal life and your dreams, enjoy the little things you have. Gratitude is a choice. We can choose to be grateful, despite our life situation or circumstances.  If you contemplate your blessings, you will realize you have plenty. Gratitude is a very positive emotion.If you count your blessings, it will create space for more and life will start turning around even more. Being grateful is a spiritual practice and sows the seeds of goodness in life.

4. Overflow with the joy of being YOU

Be your authentic self. Live your life based on your reality, based on who you think you are and not based on the expectations of other people. Life is a much bigger game to be wasted in making other people happy. Don’t pretend to be someone else or live anyone else’s life. Be our own person. Eliminate anything that  does not align with your values and purpose. Don’t try to get extra validation and attention from other people.Dare to be yourself and be proud of who you are. Accept yourself fully and let your true self to be seen. Learn to love yourself unconditionally with all the imperfections.

Photo credit: MI PHAM (Unsplash)

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