Author Christine J Logan shares inserts from her Self-help book, “Suppose.”


Written by Christine J Logan

Christine Logan (Mackay), was born on Christmas Day in 1964. Nothing stops this author from writing what's in her heart. Christine's own experiences in life and her joy in everyday simplicities, gives her the authority to write the inspiring books she has published. Easy-to-read, enjoyable books, meant to bring smiles and encouragement to those reading them. Christine's goal has always been to bring smiles and comfort to those around her. Poetry, self-help and children's books are her accomplishments to date. Watch out for her, she's not finished with us yet. Visit Christine at her website where you can find this and other inspiring books she has written:

February 3, 2021

Christine’s own struggles and tragic experiences were overcome with having an attitude of love, forgiveness and understanding. The author’s goal in this book is to share in the understanding of knowing it is possible to have a positive outlook on life regardless of the trials and tribulations we may have had. Let us step out of our comfort zones and overcome with thankful hearts.

Suppose our lives do get that happy ending we’ve all dreamt of. We’re born, we grow up (usually with a rough childhood). We experience one or many jobs, relationships, loss of loved ones, sickness or financial hardship.

Like most people, we struggle from paycheck to paycheck just to make ends meet.

Inside this book you may find the answers you seek. You may find comfort in knowing you’re not alone or you might know someone who would benefit in realizing similarities and understanding are all around us.

We often feel we’re alone in our struggles. Thankfully we are not. Happy endings are possible….

You can find the book here on Amazon.

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