1. Don’t seek happiness in external things, peace and contentment is within you
Most people have been conditioned by the society and culture with this delusion that when you obtain everything that you want and desire for, you’ll be happy. Your happiness is dependent on your achievement, attainment of external things or other people. You’re taught to believe that something external or outside of you (material things, money, job title, accumulations, connections with influential people, external power, ability to control and manipulate others) will make you happy. If there is a lack or absence of things or outcomes or control or power or relationships you seek, you will suffer.
However, the truth is that if you go inward, connect with your true essence and inner being, you’ll find that peace and contentment is within you. You don’t need to seek it outside. Seek happiness and peace from inside of you. No relationship, things or person or circumstances can be the source of your happiness. Practice being still and quiet and seek peace and happiness by connecting to your inner being. Release the belief that anything external can make you happy.
2. Make yourself accountable for your own happiness
Recognize that only you are responsible for your own happiness. Only you have the power to nurture pleasant and positive feelings inside you. Understand that the true sense of security comes from being your authentic true self.
3. Embrace your imperfections
Accept yourself fully and unconditionally as you are.
4. Do not attach your happiness and self worth to anything (the absence of anything should not cause you pain)
You do not need to give up physical objects or stop buying or enjoying them. You can buy and enjoy anything in your life as long as you acknowledge that it is something transient and your happiness and self worth cannot be dependent on it. If you lose it or damage it, it should not cause anguish or pain.
photo credit: Fernando Brasil (Unsplash)