Nutritionist, Writer, Food Blogger and Fitness Expert, Giovanna Vicino, shares the idea that a sustainable diet linked to a regular physical activity could be the best solution for a better life. What we all need is a long-term good lifestyle for being more fit, more beautiful, and happier.
We have always wondered if there is a diet that can support metabolism and weight loss. To answer this question, rather than referring to a real restrictive diet, we can instead reflect on the fact of combining different strategies to create a diet suitable for these purposes. Let’s find out what these dietary strategies are for losing weight and accelerating metabolism.
A sustainable diet: the first way for weight loss
When it comes to weight loss associated with a faster and more functional metabolism, it is necessary to aim for adequate and sustainable food choices. There are food choices that aim, in fact, to support weight loss and an improvement in metabolic conditions. These choices definitely fall into the so-called burning foods. So, a very important first factor when we decide to lose weight is food. Only with a healthy diet will you be able to achieve a safe and constant weight loss. What we mean when we talk about choosing fat burning foods is that if we add fat-burning foods to this healthy diet, then the result is guaranteed. So, while eating only fat-burning foods can lead to weight loss, it is their association with a healthy diet that should definitely be considered. This factor is important to underline because it is really wrong to believe that by eating only fat-burning foods you will lose weight, but that their contribution is certainly essential to speed up the metabolism. But, alone, they are not enough for constant and lasting weight loss. We are talking about conscious food choices that include fat burning foods as part of a healthy diet. Having said that, let’s analyze below which are the fat burning foods.
Fat burning foods: what are they?
What Are fat burning foods? And how do they act within our metabolism? In practice, these are foods which, if associated with many healthy eating habits combined with healthy physical activity, can play a key role in keeping the metabolism constantly active, improving its main functions.
As for their function within our metabolism, we reiterate that what makes a given food burn fat is almost never the food itself but the combination that is made on the table.
Rather than talking about fat burning foods, it would be important to talk about thermogenic or hunger inhibiting foods.
In any case, these food combinations allow you to have an impact on the metabolism, making its processes more active and therefore burning more calories. Burning more calories will attack fat deposits more, gradually disposing of them. These foods defined as thermo-genetic, in essence, are foods and substances which, once ingested, require a greater consumption of energy by the body and therefore a greater calorie expenditure.
Combined with this fact, combining them correctly with other foods that accelerate fat burning makes the fat-burning work of the metabolism certainly easier. There are many foods that have these fat-burning characteristics. In the next paragraph we will make a complete list.
What Are Fat Burning Foods?
Now let’s see in detail which foods (or molecules) perform an accelerating action on metabolism and, consequently, are beneficial on fat stores (in other words, our fat-burning foods).
- Pineapple: is a food rich in bromelain, a proteolytic molecule that reduces inflammation typical of areas characterized by adipose deposits (fat stores).
- Fruit with a high content of vitamins: opt for oranges, kiwis, strawberries, and lemons. Vitamin C stimulates the production of carnitine, which in turn promotes lipolysis (the digestion of fats).
- Broccoli, peppers, rocket, and spinach: the vitamin C also contained in these foods stimulates the production of carnitine which in turn promotes the metabolism of fats.
- Bitter cocoa: catechins, metabolic stimulants.
- Coffee: caffeine, metabolic stimulant.
- Lean meat: rich in proteins and containing all 8 essential amino acids, strong thermogenic action.
- Fish: rich in protein and Omega 3 fats (like blue fish).
- Onion: its digestion involves a higher calorie consumption than the calories provided by the food (negative calories). But avoid it if you have trouble digesting it.
- Turmeric: curcumin counteracts the accumulation of fat in our bodies.
- Lettuce: its digestion involves a higher calorie consumption than the calories provided by the food (negative calories).
- Mango: catechins stimulate fat metabolism by increasing thermogenesis.
- Apple and pear: they contain large quantities of pectin, a soluble fiber that has properties that contrast lithogenesis and promote lipolysis (help digestion of fats).
- Black pepper: piperine is a substance with known thermogenic (burning fat) action.
- Chili: capsaicin, in addition to a pain-relieving action, stimulates fat metabolism.
- Grapefruit: its digestion involves a higher calorie consumption than the calories provided by the food (negative calories).
- Celery: its digestion involves a higher calorie consumption than the calories provided by the food (negative calories).
- Green tea: catechins, especially Epigallocatechin gallate, a metabolic stimulant.
- Zucchini: their digestion involves a higher calorie consumption than the calories provided by the food (negative calories).
Foods that do not support metabolism and weight loss
We talked about fat burning foods that can really help with weight loss. However, there are some foods that should be avoided in order not to worsen the conditions of the metabolism and, consequently, to avoid having no response to weight loss.
Let’s see them together:
- Cereals and white flours (such as bread and pasta with white flours)
- Potatoes
- Carrots and high carb veggies
- Grapes, bananas, cherries, and figs
- Milk and dairy products (but you can very well replace them with vegetable ones)
- Fruit juices, even homemade ones
- Refined sugars
- Sweets of any kind
- Fried food of any kind
- Alcohol of any kind
- Wine vinegar.
The importance of sport to support weight loss and metabolism
To support weight loss, as well as aiming for dietary strategies that accelerate metabolism, you definitely need physical activity. Sport is a panacea for the mood, the spirit and, above all, for the figure. If you decide to lose weight naturally and constantly, arm yourself with goodwill and practice cardio physical activity 3 times a week (at least 20 minutes). This will help you burn calories and create a calorie deficit. If you are unable to do a specific activity, you can take a walk. With diet and sport weight loss will be faster, more natural, and safer and you will also have the possibility to preserve muscles, which is very important when you decide to lose weight.