“You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.” ― Amy Bloom “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”― Sharon Salzberg “Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you...
Anna Carson

Anna Bjarnson-Carson was born and raised in San Diego California. At age one year, during the 1953 epidemic, Anna contracted polio, which paralyzed her right leg. She finally learned to walk after four years of crawling. She studied piano for several years, becoming a church organist at age 17. She then turned to singing and, in spite of mobility problems, enjoyed a 25-year opera singing career. She is a recording artist, with five CDs: Everlasting Joy, Symbols of Christmas, Stephen Foster-Touched By An Angel, and A Little Bit of Christmas. Her operatic duet CD, Maiden Voyage, created by Trio Vivace, is available on Amazon. For highlights of her performances, look at the videos on her website: doinglifewith.wixsite.com/annacarson/.
Her videos can also be found on YouTube. At age 26, shortly after her operatic debut, Anna married Paul Carson, and they had five children, all born during her active years of singing. At the same time, Anna created her Sunrider Regenerative Food business, which delivers healthy food products based on the ancient Chinese concepts of Yin, Yang and the 5 elements to a stressed modern world. She credits her current stamina, stable weight, and vitality to these advanced foods, and teaches others how to achieve effortless fat loss, increased endurance and mental clarity from the regeneration program.
Anna now teaches piano and voice, and directs musical shows in San Diego. In 1999, Anna went on a concert/teaching tour of China. She had laboriously learned to sing four songs in Chinese, and then became fascinated by the language and culture. She has studied Mandarin Chinese for the past eleven years.
Anna lives with her husband Paul and their two very spoiled cats in Spring Valley California. She enjoys gardening, raising multiple generations of orchids, walking, and studying interior décor. With kids and grandkids living in 3 separate states, Anna loves sending imaginative birthday gifts to family members.