Introduction – 5 Ways to Let Go and Stay Present If you’re dwelling in the past yet afraid to move forward into the unknown future, here are 5 tips to help you stay grounded and live in the present moment. No matter the struggles that each of us face, we...
Jennifer Raskin

Jennifer Raskin is an internationally published writer with 20+ years professional writing experience with ad agencies, magazines, and freelance endeavors. She maintains a focus on writing for health, beauty, fitness, food, and parenting for content writing topics as well as business writing capabilities. When she’s not busy writing for hire, she’s writing for herself and enjoying life with her family.
How to Focus on Gratitude for a Happier Life
The key to happiness may indeed be unlocked by focusing on the good rather than wallowing in our own misery. If you’re not feeling chipper today, or any day, you may want to train yourself to think differently. It seems impossible when you’re in the thick of your...