Karl Staib, founder of the Dig to Fly Method and author of Bring Gratitude, explains how to strengthen your mindset and build Emotional Intelligence by practicing the skill of Positive Reflection. This blog post originally appeared on Karl Staib’s Website. It has been...
Karl Staib

Karl Staib is the founder of the Dig to Fly Method and author of Bring Gratitude. He trains people to use the Dig to Fly method to help people understand what is holding them back from doing what they love. He has been featured by Forbes, NPR and Zen Habits and has worked with great companies such as Philips Global, Southwest Research Institute and Pioneer Nation. You can follow him on YouTube - Karl Staib, Twitter - @kstaib, Instagram - DigToFly, LinkedIn or join his Private Facebook group Mindset First Club. Visit him at digtofly.com