Introduction: Coping With Postpartum Depression and Anxiety You've spent months going to regular prenatal treatments, eating right so your baby will be healthy, and planning for your newborn's nursery. Then once you have your baby, like most moms commonly do, you...
Sandy Glover

Sandy is a mental health advocate and freelance writer who draws from her lived history, professional experience, and education. She has published several articles through various websites and mental health agencies. She is also a former mental health therapist with a master's degree in counseling turned peer presenter at inpatient facilities through NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). You can email her at
Are Antidepressants Safe to Take During Pregnancy
Introduction: How to Know if Antidepressants Are Actually Safe to Take During Pregnancy If you're expecting a child, it's only natural to wonder if taking antidepressants during pregnancy is safe for your baby. Here we will discuss if it's essential to consider...
Major Depressive Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Introduction - Major Depressive Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Life is not a constant, so everyone experiences the ebb and flow of daily life. A person might feel refreshed on a sunny day or blue on a cloudy day. Or maybe they feel happy about a...