Natalia Lomaia explores the five most significant and fundamental ways in which the COVID 19 pandemic has transformed marriages, friendships, and all kinds of relationships. Back in 2020, no one could have imagined the whole world changing almost overnight....
4 Self-Care Tips for Introverts
“Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.” - Parker Palmer “Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.” - Brené Brown Experts, health professionals and gurus...
How Self-Love can build greater Resilience
Life coach and spiritual mentor, Afsheen Shah, teaches how we can become more resilient through self-love. We can cultivate resilience by embracing who we truly are and learning to love ourselves through the failures. I’ve always thought of myself as a pretty...
4 Life Lessons from My Yoga Mat
It’s common for people to view yoga as a form of fitness, a way to engage in mindfulness or at best, a combination of both. While it’s true that yoga enables me to open up my hip flexors that are usually too tight and that I am more aware of my breath each time I try...
Lessons Learned from Childbirth
Childbirth is one of the most defining life moments. Giving birth changes life and teaches some valuable life lessons. Here is my biggest takeaway from my experience. My fear of birth hit me within minutes of seeing the lines on my pregnancy test. My mom, friends and...
3 ways to practice Radical Self-Acceptance
“You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.” ― Amy Bloom “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”― Sharon Salzberg “Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you...
How to move on from a heartbreak in a relationship fast? Some practical tips
How do you move on from a heartbreak in a relationship fast? Some practical tips for moving on after heartbreak. This blog post originally appeared on Liz Luna's Website. It has been republished here with permission. “Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from...
Where are you on Self Love and Self Acceptance? Have you been able to accept and love yourself as you are?
Reflection on Self Love and Self Acceptance. Accept Me As I Am – But Do You? This blog post originally appeared on Shona Keachie's Blog. It has been republished here with permission I was talking to someone about the retrieval process, the process involved in...
Tips on how to reduce stress, fatigue, worry and anxiety. 5 ways to stay calm in Stressful situations
In this blog we share some tips on how to reduce stress, fatigue, worry and anxiety, and staying calm. When you stay calm and tranquil, your reactions to situations and people will be different. People will love to be around you and work with you. People prefer to...
3 ways to Practice Gratitude to your body
Want to witness miraculous health and well being? Express gratitude for your body. Gratitude is the most positive of all human emotions. Be grateful to your body and take care of it while pursuing health, and wellness. You will end up healthier and stronger....
Powerful Visualization and Guided Meditation for Self Healing
Visualization is a very powerful tool. According to Abraham Hicks, “You are more productive by doing fifteen minutes of visualization than from sixteen hours of hard labor.” The power of visualization is emphasized in these words of Denis Waitley, “When you visualize,...